

发布日期:2021-04-21 来源:氧气, 重氧水, 上海众巍, 化学

Concerns over oxygen supply have started to emerge in Pakistan after the nation reported its highest coronavirus (Covid-19) second wave case spike on Sunday (18th April).

Over 6,000 new cases and 149 deaths were reported by Pakistan’s Ministry of National Health Services on Sunday, according to the official twitter account of the National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Government of Pakistan.

At the time of writing, Pakistan has just over 761,400 cases and 16,316 fatalities according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University. Those numbers compare to 21,500 cases and 486 fatalities reported by gasworld on 5th May (2020).

Whilst such news triggered various reports, which highlighted the need for accelerated vaccine rollout, the shocking figures led to Asad Umar, Federal Minister for Planning and Development and Head of the National Command Operations Centre (NCOC), reporting that oxygen supply in the country is “now under stress”. 

Umar’s statement on oxygen supply broke just hours ago. Within his announcement, Umar stated, “Hospital fill up continuing to grow. Critical care patients now above 4500, which is 30% higher than peak in June last year. Oxygen supply capacity in the country is now under stress. Sop compliance remains low. We are making a huge mistake by not following sop’s.”

In a separate tweet, he also addressed the Covid-19 battle in Pakistan’s neighbouring countries. Umar’s tweet stated, “Global covid cases exceeding 750,000 per day and deaths more than 13,000. We are seeing some of the worst numbers since covid started. Our neighbourhood in severe crises. Daily deaths in Iran more than 300 and India more than 1600. Need for safety precautions greater than ever.”

The day before (17th April) releasing the above statements, Umar said the vaccination of people aged from 50-59 would begin on Wednesday 21st April. He encouraged everyone to register for the vaccination.

Karina Kocha, Business Intelligence Manager, explained, “We estimate the average annual demand for medical oxygen to be around 100-110 tonnes per day (tpd) in Pakistan. We also estimate that Covid-19 has raised the consumption of medical oxygen, with figures varying from 300 to 500 tonnes per day in 2020.”

”We expect high demand for medical oxygen to continue throughout this year and next, with levels of 300-400 tonnes per day in 2021 and about 200-250 tonnes per day in 2022.”

“100 tpd of medical oxygen in a “peacetime” is a very low volume for 220 million population country. To compare, Vietnam having 62 million population had (by our estimations) about 250 tpd of medical oxygen available in hospitals before Covid-19. This is due to higher number of hospital beds.”

”Additional demand could vary from 300 and up to 500 tpd of medical oxygen. This quantity does not seem to be difficult to produce, release, or import. More likely, the problem is in the oxygen delivery system to the hospitals.”

Across the border: India restricts oxygen supply

Pakistan’s devastation news was closely followed by India announcing new restrictions to to manage the application of oxygen supply and prioritise use for medical purposes, as the country continues to grapple with Covid-19.

Several states across India are understood to be flagging oxygen shortages as Covid cases surge, with the government announcing that oxygen supply will now be restricted to just nine industries.

From later this week (Thursday 22nd), industrial oxygen supply will be restricted to those entities involved in refilling cylinders, the pharma sector, steel plants, oil refineries, wastewater treatment, food and water treatment, nuclear energy facilities and continuous production sites that must keep processes running.



巴基斯坦在周日( 18 报告了其最高的冠状病毒(Covid-19)第二波病例激增后,对氧气供应的担忧开始出现 4月 ) 。


根据约翰·霍普金斯大学系统科学与工程中心(CSSE)的数据,截至撰写本文时,巴基斯坦仅发生761,400例病例,死亡16,316例。 相比之下, 报告了21,500例病例和486例死亡 天然气 世界在5 5 2020年) 。

尽管这些新闻引发了各种报道,其中强调需要加快疫苗的推出,但令人震惊的数字导致联邦规划和发展部长兼国家指挥作战中心(NCOC)负责人阿萨德·乌玛(Asad Umar)报告说,该国的氧气供应量很大。 “现在承受压力”。

乌玛(Umar)关于氧气供应的声明就在几个小时前就中断了。 乌马尔(Umar)在其公告中表示:“医院人数持续增长。 现在,重症监护患者超过4500名,比去年6月的峰值高出30%。 该国的氧气供应能力目前面临压力。 肥皂依从性仍然很低。 我们不听话就犯了一个巨大的错误。”

在另一条推文中,他还谈到了在巴基斯坦邻国举行的Covid-19战斗。 Umar的推文中说:“全球每天共发生超过750,000例共同案,死亡人数超过13,000。 自covid成立以来,我们看到了一些最糟糕的数字。 我们的邻居处于严重危机中。 伊朗的每日死亡人数超过300,印度的每日死亡人数超过1600。对安全预防措施的需求比以往任何时候都更为迫切。”

前一天( 17 Umar说,在上述声明的 4月 ),我们将从 21 星期三开始对50-59岁的人群进行疫苗接种 4月 。 他鼓励大家注册疫苗。

商业智能经理Karina Kocha解释说:“我们估计,巴基斯坦每年对医用氧气的平均年需求量约为100-110吨/天。 我们还估计,Covid-19会增加医用氧气的消耗量,到2020年,这一数字将从每天300吨增加到500吨。”


对于“ 2.2亿人口的国家”而言,“和平时期”每天100吨的医用氧气量是非常低的。 相比之下,越南有6200万人口(根据我们的估计),在Covid-19之前,医院每天可提供约250吨/天的医用氧气。 这是由于医院病床数量增加。”

额外的需求量可能从300吨/日到500吨/日不等。 这个数量似乎并不难生产,发行或进口。 问题很可能出在给医院的氧气输送系统上。”




从本周晚些时候(星期四22 ),工业氧气供应将仅限于那些参与补充缸,制药行业,钢铁厂,炼油厂,污水处理,食品,水处理,核能源设施和连续生产基地实体必须保持进程运行。




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